Thursday, 30 September 2010

My Creative Space - Many Ends Make Much Work

Although I always aim to fasten in the ends as I go along it doesn't always happen as planned. My creative space today is all about fastening in those ends. Not a job that I love but one that is necessary.

I hope that you are having more fun.

For more creative spaces pop here.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Rose Coloured Glass

Hello there. I hope that you have had a good weekend.

This week I am only going to be sharing one thrifty find as I think that she deserves a post all of her own. She is one of my most favourite finds of all time and I thought it only fitting that she should hog the limelight.

I found her in the window of a local charity shop and I was immediately smitten. She was however a little more expensive than my usual finds and so she wasn't snapped up immediately. I have to admit that I actually left her at first whilst I explored other shops. I couldn't stop thinking about her though and so my hubby insisted that we go back and take her home because I loved her so much. It was indeed a good job that we went back for her when we did because as my dear Hubby was waiting to pay two women said that they too had come back to buy her.

Now the problem is that I have been unable to find out anything about her. She has no makers mark and her bottom only says Czechoslovakia. So, I was wondering, if anybody out there may know a little about her? If so I would be eternally grateful if you could share your knowledge no matter how small.

Now without further ado here she is....

May I just add that she is more of a rose colour than is showing in these pics. The light is particularly bad today.

For more thriftiness please call and see the many other bloggers at Her Library Adventures , Southern Hospitality and Apron Thrift Girl.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

My Creative Space - Too Many W.I.P.s

Hello my dears, How are you? I hope you are well.

This week my creative space is full of W.I.P.s. I have so many things to finish that its actually really off putting. I have boxes full of flowers that need to be made into something but I have no idea where to start. This is just a small selection...

I'm also waiting for some new wool so that I can start a new project. Will I never learn?

Kirsty is on holiday at the mo but if you would like to see some creative spaces from the past clicky here.

Thanks for stopping by. 


Sunday, 19 September 2010

Thrifty Bits

Hello, I hope that you are having a good weekend.

My thrifting has been a wee bit on and off recently. I haven't been to the Car Boot Sale for a couple of weeks because it has been cold and rainy and that means that many of the sellers stay away.

So instead I have a few things to share with you that I found over the summer. I do have lots more but the  greyness that has surrounded us around here is making it rather difficult to take any good pics. I would like to apologise in advance if a couple of these are a wee bit blurry, I did my best.

This sweet little book with the inscription - Catherine, with love, 1925.

A Sylko thread box complete with threads.

A gorgeous Simplicity pattern for making adorable animals. I really do wish that I could sew well.

Two teacups, sadly missing their saucers. I love the forget me nots.

And this little pink flower dish.

Hopefully during the week the sun might show its lovely face and I will be able to take some more pics.

For more thriftyness call into Sophies.

Edited to add that I have also linked to Thrift Share Monday

Thursday, 16 September 2010

My Creative Space

Hello my dears, I hope today finds you well.

I've decided to share my creative space with you today and hopefully make it a regular thing. I've been making quite a few different crochet motifs to try to find the right one. Here are a few pics...

and this was my little helper...

Miss Plum Plum.

For more creative spaces call in at Kirsty's.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

The Indecisive Project

Hello there. I hope that today finds you well. It is very wet here, in fact it has not stopped pouring down since I got up. Not good weather for taking pics!

So, what have I been up to? Well despite being run ragged by the girls over the summer I did manage to get a few things done. You may remember this post back in June when I had bought the softest of merino wool but didn't really have a plan for it. For most of the project I had no plan whatsoever, I just kept going and hoped that something would come to me. It got to a good cushion size but I decided to carry on, it got to floor cushion size and still I carried on. I considered making it into a footstool cover but then decided to carry on. 

It eventually became a cross between a shawl and a throw. I can wrap it around me to keep out the cold, it can be used a throw on a chair or as a lovely, soft lap blanket. I did warn you that I can be indecisive! Anyway here it is, the shawl/throw....

The yarn is so soft and snuggly. I'm hoping it will keep me toasty warm around the house this winter.

I'm currently making over a few bits of furniture. Some I think will be more successful than others. I will take some pics as soon as the light improves.

Take care. 

Thursday, 9 September 2010


Hello there. I am so sorry about the lack of blogging. Having the girls at home all summer made things a little hectic around here and unfortunately the blog was the one to suffer. I do hope that I have still have some readers left out there.

My eldest started high school last Thursday which was a wee bit scary for me. She was fine, excited rather than nervous. I was terrified though. She had never been on a bus alone before and I was worried that she would get lost or kidnapped (I have a tendency to over exaggerate). I have been quite protective of her as she has had a lot of upheaval in her life and so going to high school was a big step for me.

Luckily though she is loving it. The older pupils have all been really helpful and nice. The bus driver is lovely and she didn't get lost. I'm really lucky that she is such a good kid and that we managed to get her into a good school. She is very sensitive and I was worried that she might be teased for that but so far so good.

This morning my littlest one started primary school and I was ok with that until I got home and then I just felt lost. Last year she was at preschool so she started at 9 and finished at 11.30. That gave me time to come home, have a coffee, tidy up and then go to pick her up. A full school day is just a little odd. I want to know how she is doing and if she has made new friends. I just want to know that she is ok. I suppose I will just have to get used to it, it just might take a while.

I will be back to normal blogging soon. I just need to get used to my new found freedom and hopefully stop feeling so lost.

Take care x