Thursday, 30 September 2010

My Creative Space - Many Ends Make Much Work

Although I always aim to fasten in the ends as I go along it doesn't always happen as planned. My creative space today is all about fastening in those ends. Not a job that I love but one that is necessary.

I hope that you are having more fun.

For more creative spaces pop here.


  1. There's something very delicious about a pile of crochet, makes you want to reach for your hook, even though there's cleaning to be done!! :(
    Vivienne x

  2. love all the colours in the top photo, only wish I could crothet. hope you finished and can now do something else.

  3. Rather ou than me - it's a horrid job. Bet you can't wait to get that all finished.

  4. Ooh I know those ends are just such a task, but once finished you'll have clean crochet circles to work with .... blanket in process?

  5. hahaha... funny you say that. I was looking at all the ends on my blanket thinking I should start some of them. It won't take long once I get going but...
    I found to do them while I have company makes them painless cos I don't think about them.

  6. Hey Emma! Gorgeous little piles there! Did you know that you can crochet in your ends as you crochet - if that makes sense and if you are planning on joining the squares you can use a join-as-you-go method. Im sure you would have come across this over at Attic24?

    Whatever you do they look lovely, have a great weekend! x

  7. Hi..thanks for popping by bit of a last minute rush but we got there
    Hate ends so always deal with them as l go hehe
    good luck
    Hugs Suz x

  8. Some jobs are such a pain, especially finishing off, but so rewarding once they're done!

  9. Oh yes, that is the tedious part of doing granny squares and circles :) I make myself do them as I go along other wise my projects would never come together.

  10. Great photos of your pile of squares with the ends hanging out. I always like photos of the hanging ends, they are so colorful and interesting. But, alas, they must be tucked in to make the finish object complete. I usually do them in groups as I go so its not as tedious.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment...

  11. I hate sewing ends in.I have been doing the debbie Abrahams Mystery blanket and intended to sew the ends in as i went along and I havn't done.Now faced with a mammoth task!

  12. Horrible job, but one you kick yourself for if you don't do it. I think we should have a sewing in maid, that would be a good servant to have. My friend in Oz alwasy takes her quilts to a lady to do all the backing and binding as she hates that bit.


  13. Indeed, here the same.. don't like to fasten in the loose threads! Good luck! Looks great.
