Tuesday, 9 November 2010


Hello my dearies. I hope that you are well?

I don't have any thriftiness to share with you this week because I haven't left the house for over a week! I think I may be becoming a hermit or perhaps I am hibernating. I also have no completed crochet as I am still waiting for new wool to arrive so that things can be finished. 

I would however like to share a different project that I have been working on. In our house we have a bit of soft spot for angels, after all that is our surname. We like to believe that the angels take care of those that are no longer with us. It helps us to cope. 

So in honour of my two little angels (ha ha!) I made them some Christmas angels, complete with bobble hats so that they can keep warm as the temperatures drop. 

As you can see one has blonde hair and the other brown, just like my little ones. They haven't seen them yet so I hope they will like them.



  1. oooh so cute and l have some spare cones may be having a go at these...fab idea thanks for sharing
    Hugs Suz x

  2. Oh how fantastic! I am in love with them! I would love to give them a go, but I don't think the bears will that interested in helping out! Maybe Gremlin ones would be more appropriate! ha ha!

    Enjoy the rest of the day!

  3. Aww those are so sweet, love their little hats, they will love them to ;-) Dee x

  4. Aww, I'm sure your little angels will love their little angels! They're very pretty. :)
    Angel is such a lovely surname!
    By the way I'm hibernating too, I was supposed to go out to the shops today but it's so cold I'm sitting by the fire instead with my knitting (and my laptop)!!!

  5. They are really lovely Emma. Bet your angels will love them :0)
    Jacquie x

  6. Thoroughly precious. The girls will adore them.

  7. They're gorgeous! Love the hats! Amanda xxx

  8. how lovely!! and it's o.k. I've stopped crying now, just!!

  9. so cute... I love the little hats! : )

  10. Those are super cute. I love their little hats and braids.

  11. So cute - love the colours you've chosen!

  12. Hello Emma! I'm sure they will love this sweet angels! You have done so lovely work with small details! Really beautiful!
    Wishes Teje

  13. Christmas angels with bobble hats....oh, they are more than delightful! They just make my heart sing, Emma!

  14. they are just gorgeous! your girls will be enchanted!
