Monday, 25 October 2010

Two Teapots and I Don't Drink Tea

Hello my dearies, I hope that this day finds you well.

Thank you again for all your lovely comments wishing my little one better. She is now fully recovered and back to driving us mad!

My thrifty finds yet again feature my old friend Meakin, I seem to be quite lucky when it comes to finding their ceramics. 

This time I found a pink utility ware teapot....

A 1980 Springwood teapot....

and a casserole dish....

I also found this lovely jug that has no back stamp or markings whatsoever but is a lovely colour and great pattern...

and finally my 1st ever piece of Cartlon Ware! 

My mother came this morning and asked if she could have it, she was most disappointed when the answer was no! I was so chuffed when I found it that I couldn't just give it away could I?

Have you found any great finds recently? Please share if you have I love to see what other peeps have found. 

I hope you have a great week. If you would like to see more thrifty finds please see Apron Thrift Girl, she has found a great bike!



  1. Great finds,I love the casserole dish. x

  2. So pleased little one is better, children always seem to bounce back so quickly, thankfully. Loving the pink teapot and the delicious Carlton Ware - gorgeous!! I always find Carlton Ware very hard to part with as well.
    Jo xx

  3. I Love The Pink Teapot .. I Want It(:

    Loving The Blog Aswell

  4. Oh I do love that blue and white jug, Emma!!
    Gorgeous. :)
    Vivienne x

  5. Wow -- those pitchers, especially the blue one, are delightful!

  6. Love the pink teapot and the jug! I found some Carlton a few weeks ago--divine!

  7. i am LOVING alllll of these finds. so much tea goodness, love it!

  8. I have that pink teapot and I LOVE it! I do like a bit of Meakin. The green and white jug is to die for! What fantastic thrifty finds! Alas, my local charity shops are always very when I do find something.....I jump for joy! he he!

    Have a great day!


  9. Hello Emma! I love the pink teapot and the last one - I'm also more coffee person but love teapots!
    Best wishes Teje

  10. Lovely finds, especially the tea pots, ..teapots :) x x x x

  11. the pattern on that casserole dish is adorable! love it!

  12. Ooh, what gorgeous treasures!
    Thank you for sharing them. It's hard to choose a favorite, they are all so lovely.

  13. I'm loving the Carlton Ware would look very nice on my dresser with the rest of my jug collection ;o)!! Glad to hear your little one is better.

  14. you find so many gorgeous things but where do you put them?? You must live in a mansion!!

  15. I love all your finds!
    Specially the last two!
    Thanks for your comment!
    And yes! I won the cabinet... Well not me but hubby!Lol
    For £105.00 plus vat!
    I`m chuffed to bits!
    Apparently a lot of other furniture didn`t sell... And the prices were really cheap, too!
    Like £30.00 for an old triple wardrobe!
    A coat of paint and it would look as new.
    Sadly a lot of people don`t see the potential on vintage furniture!
    I`m off now to do some ironning... Not much FUN!Lol


  16. LOVE the casserole and green and white jug, beautiful!

  17. Ohh what gorg jugs i love the blue and white one. And i adore your little xmas trees they are so cosy and cute and colourful. And your vintage tureen. A lovely blog just want to say hi as well. Loving the crochet to this is on my wish list to have a go at before the year is out ;-) Take care..Dee ;-)
